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TurboCharge Your Traffic with the Simple Power of Words

You have to admit, at no time in the past has it been easier to earn money from writing than it is today. thanks to the power of the internet! I'm not talking about being paid to write, which (unless you're Stephen King or J. K.

Rowling) is pretty much perceived as a minimum pay service. I'm talking about leveraging your written words to draw readers (like a magnet) to a website that you own, from where you can market, sell and resell numerous information products for profit. Like everything online, success depends on one thing and one thing only. volume of traffic (ie: the number of people who see your site). It has emerged that one of the most proven and cost effective traffic generation methods available to website owners also happens to be the one task that most website owners try to avoid. that is writing articles.

Yet, writing articles is one of the very best ways to create a constant flow of targeted traffic to your website. With a little effort and a sound, repeatable formula, you can easily write articles that are guaranteed to: A: Draw traffic to your website B: Create Ad copy to sell you products C: Strengthen your presence and credibility on the internet Using the following techniques can gain the attention of the search engines and get your products and ideas noticed by real people at the same time. There's no mystery about the basic structure for writing articles. Each one should have a beginning (the lead), a middle (the content) and an end (the conclusion).

not too difficult is it? There is however one added ingredient you need to ensure that your writing is picked up by the search engines and subsequently attract a steady flow of traffic. That extra ingredient is 'Targeted Keywords'. Please don't be put off by the idea of writing an article structured around keywords.

The process is very straight forward. you can click on the link in the resource box at the end of this article to view a short video which explains the step by step process in more detail. Once you've done your keyword research and have a final list of words or phrases you want to use throughout your piece, do the following: 1.

Use your keyword (or keyword phrase) once in the title 2. Use your keyword (or keyword phrase) once in the lead 3. Use your keyword (or keyword phrase) a couple of times in the first paragraph 4. Use your keyword (or keyword phrase) in a scatter pattern throughout the content of the piece 5.

Use your keyword (or keyword phrase) once in the conclusion Using this basic structure (keyword-focussed title, lead, content and conclusion) will guarantee that your article gets the attention of search engines and also human readers. This sure-fire structure is your most effective traffic generator yet, but wait, there's one more thing! A secret weapon which almost no one else on the internet is using. it's your local library. A visit to your library to find material you can use within your article structure gives you a massive offline advantage over just about every other internet marketer or writer.

You see, if people are writing articles which include the keywords "japanese garden" for example, and conduct research purely online, they are highly likely to see other very similar articles written by people doing exactly the same research. Taking your research offline, using books, newspapers and magazines for your source information, provides a totally new perspective which is far less likely to be seen in other online articles, putting you way ahead of the competition. Use that research material together with your keyword-focussed article writing structure to produce something in the range of 400-600 words and you have your article. Now, don't panic, writing 400-600 words is no big deal.

Think of it like this. One double-spaced page with a one-inch margin all around will hold about 200-250 words. If you've done your research and taken notes, the chances are that you have more than enough ideas and information to fill a minimum of two such pages.

Using the previous example "japanese garden", you could then title your article "Seven Steps to Japanese Garden Heaven". Okay, maybe not the sharpest title, but it would certainly tell human readers (and the search engines) what your article is about. Take the research you've done and split it into seven major benefits for people searching online for information to help them create their own Japanese Garden.

Your lead might be something like this: "Imagine the calm and simple serenity you could enjoy strolling through your very own Japanese Garden." Then take each of the seven steps you mentioned in the title and turn each one into a section for your article. If you want a short piece, make each section one paragraph long. If you want something more substantial, make each section two or three paragraphs long. When you reach the conclusion do these two things: 1.

Sum up your article's lead or title in your final paragraph (including the keyword or keyword phrase) 2. Quit! Use this basic structure for writing articles and you'll find it amazingly easy to create very successful, keyword-focussed material that will bring visitors flocking to your website -- even if you don't think of yourself as a writer! Find out more about how articles can turbo charge your website traffic by clicking on the FREE video link in the resource box below.

Dave Foster owns and operates the "Solo Profits" blog and podcast, helping to guide individual entrepreneurs and home-based business owners to online success. Draw upon the wealth of solo business information at the "Solo Profits" blog - Here ==> http://www.soloprofits.com Discover more about turning your words into traffic right here: ==> http://www.soloprofits.com/turnwordsvideo.html

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