Affiliate Program Articles - Internet
To Master Internet Marketing
by Dave Saunders
What is the secret of being the best at Internet Marketing?
First, and foremost, it's all about basics. What does that mean?
Think about the difference between the top earning pro baseball
player and one that's making just a normal "salary."
Do they actually DO anything that's different from each other.
They both hit. They throw. They catch. Occasionally, they run.
The same basic things. Yet, one does it better and makes a heck
of a lot more money because of it. Mastery of Internet Marketing
is about being the best at the basics.
First, what is the point of Internet Marketing? You're trying
to generate leads. That's it. Leads. On the Internet today,
there really are two basic ways of finding leads or having them
find you. Either provide direct advertising, such as with PPC
Google Ads, or PPC ads from other providers, or you can provide
content on the Internet and let the Search Engines put you in
their indexes so people searching for what you have can find
So there you go. What are the basics?
So let's say you have an Affiliate Internet Marketing Program.
You can generate leads by creating ads to announce that you
have an "Affiliate Internet Marketing Program." With
the PayPer Click (PPC) ad systems out there, you can advertise
directly to people looking for what you have to provide and
only pay for the people that click on your ad.
Or, you can write articles about affiliate Internet Marketing
Programs and let the Search Engines index those pages so people
searching for you can find you.
What's the advantage of one over the other? With PPC, you can
use money to get top ranking for your ads. With content it's
free but you have to be more patient. Many top Internet Marketers
will use PPC to start traffic to their site and then turn it
off when traffic from search engine results generates enough
leads on its own.
Probably the best source of information on Internet Marketing
comes from the Traffic Secrets program from John Reese. I received
a bunch of DVDs, CD-ROMS, workbooks and a set of "blueprints"
that I use for reference on a daily basis. I've watched the
DVDs serveral times and used the information to consult others
and have watched myself and my clients build a huge business
through Internet Marketing. It's not a cheap program, but it
was worth every penny and I wouldn't have paid double for it
and still been happy.
Maybe you're interested in Internet Marketing for a Real Estate
Agent. How do you get started? First you need to create a website.
Better yet, have on created for you. Do you know how to do a
website yourself? So what? Are you in the business of creating
websites or are you a Real Estate Agent? Go to www.elance.com
and post a job for someone to create a simple, content-based
website for you. Leave off the animations, the movies, the music
playing in the background. Create a site with content. Maybe
you're a Real Estate Agent in Northern Virgina. Create some
pages that tell people what it's like in that area. Help people
become an informed consumer. While they're reading your content,
they can see that you are a Real Estate Agent and can offer
them a service when they're ready.
Now here's the big secret...when you are building websites for
Internet Marketing, lots and lots of people are going to visit
your site...and not all of them are going to contact you as
a lead. Not ever. Got it?
Are you not good at writing content for your website? Hire a
writer. There are plenty on elance as well. By the way, you're
not going for the Pulitzer. Just create meaningful content for
your intended audience and leave the two dollars words at home.
Once you have a website, go to Google, FindWhat, SearchFeed
and other PPC Search Engine Internet Marketing services and
create classified ads for your site. Read up a bit before you
do. There are some great resources on the Intenet for writing
great ads. A few of my favorites are listed on my site. Your
ad should have a great title. The title is arguably the most
important part of an ad. If you're using Google, you're very
limited in the number of characters you can use so say what
you mean. When you use the other PPC services, they tend to
give you more space to write. That's ok. Keep it simple and
to the point.
Here's the next big tip. On the Internet, you are doing what
is called "direct marketing." Direct to whom? Direct
to the person interested in what you have to offer. Speak to
them. The Internet is all about direct advertising. Putting
a hand puppet on a 30-second TV commercial does not generate
the kind of interest that you will generate by speaking directly
to the person who is typing phrases realing to YOU in the search
As you start to build traffic through PPC, you should also start
to get found through the Search Engines. Watch your logs and
see how people are finding you. When your search engine traffic
is about equal to your PPC traffic, you may want to consider
slowing down your PPC spending. The more you can do for free,
the more profit you get to keep. Again the Traffic Secrets program
is really amazing in the way it breaks this down into a specific
plan you can apply again and again.
Entire articles can be, and have been, written on individual
subjects mentioned in this article. My hope is that you have
enough to get started thinking in the right frame of mind. The
Internet is about content. There is nothing unethical about
marketing on the Internet. Provide value for the type of people
you want as a lead and let them find you.
Until next time.
About the Author
Dave Saunders is a business consultant and published author.
The original and expanded article can be found here.
For additional information on business coaching, or if you would
to know more about an emerging trillion dollar industry visit
address to request free information.
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