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A simple easy proven legitimate way to get FREE traffic to Your Site

Generating non-stop website traffic is the sole of website and it is what determines the success of the site - website traffic is one thing that every online marketer can never have too many. However, the competition to gain customer's attention online is becoming so irrational that it has started creating a whole lot of concerns especially for newbie and people whose business are not well rooted - they are wondering where they really fit in or if they can ever get their own share of the traffic in this saturated market. As if this is not enough problems to think about; the other side of the coin is the web surfers who has developed a thick skin to all the ads and are revoking against ads. They have become so immune to the sales tactics that a great deal of effort are required to get their attention - sales page has to answer all customers possible concerns before you can get them to think of you or your product twice.

So I ask you, if pushing product or service to customers through the use of pop-up windows, direct mail and ads are not as effective as they used to be, what else can you do to survive online? That was just a rhetorical question; I don't want you to think too much.: You need to know that there is a radical turn around in the way consumer respond to marketing now-a-days, it is called "educational marketing" - educational-based marketing is the process of doing something that will distinguish you as a knowledgeable authority and resource in the area of your expertise. You see, even though people love to buy and they really want to buy something, yet, they don't want to be sold - buyers want to make their own informed decision based on what they've learnt about your product/service and they want to do so on their own terms. Consumers have taken back control of Internet! They take control with the only weapon they have - they simply flex the muscles of their wallets - they pull money away from advertisers who annoy them and put it with those who meet their needs and are willing to go the extra mile to educate them. The internet is now consumer-driven and pushing your product to someone does not work - not anymore, people wants to know what's in it for them and what they're going to benefit from it.

It is your responsibility as a marketer to learn how to communicate better so that you can gain their trust! I would imagine by now you must be saying to yourself, if what it takes to attract a potential customer to my site is educating them, how I can do that. Before I explain how you can do it, I will first describe the characteristics of the person who may be willing to do it and what you would gain if you do it because going the extra mile is what separate the men from the boys - It takes. **someone who is willing to impact other people with positive influence, **someone who is willing to give without getting anything back, **someone who is willing to invest their time and energy in their business, and **someone who knows that long-term success and sustainability of his business is what matters. As you know that teaching people is not what everybody can do and writing definitely does not come easily to most, yet. The solution is writing and submitting articles to directories to educate consumers about your product.

The biggest reason why article works is because it gives credibility and builds trust. It allows your readers to see you as someone who is capable of providing valuable information. Each place you post your article is going to send you some visitors at different rate you never know which publication is going to give you the biggest traffic until you've tried them and track your result. The whole point with article is to buy real estate all around the web through articles, newsletter, directories where people can pick up.

Articles are a great way of diversifying your source of targeted traffic. For example, if you have your article posted in 5 different directories and one of them decided to pack-up, you sill have 4 different referral source supplying your site with traffic. If all you have is only one source of traffic supply and that one decided to pack up or die - the chances of your website traffic dying with it is very high. This is why article publication is a better choice for your business.

If you happen to put up a great article, you should expect it to stay online for a very long time. Copyright (c) 2008 Abby Lawal.

-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? "Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets for using FREE articles to drive Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links... without spending a dime on advertising! Click here for free information -=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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